“ Decluttering is infinitely easier when you think of it as deciding what to keep, rather than deciding what to throw away. ” - Francine Jay
Do you remember what your new (brand new or pre-loved) computer or phone looked like the first time you switched it on? Pristine screen, organised and minimal.
What does it look like now?
Files, folders and apps have migrated to your desktop and settled all over the screen, or screens, as your smartphone probably has more than one.
It might look very organised and aligned, perhaps the icons are all over the place, or in the shape of a circle, star or heart.
Your desktop might have become your to-do list, or a dumping ground for any screenshot, download or document that doesn't require your immediate attention any more. But whatever the reason and the logic, it is likely to be cluttered.
How do you feel when you look at your computer desktop and phone home screen?
*** My dare to you this weekend ***
Dare to declutter your devices
Give your computer desktop and phone a little bit of attention and a very gentle decluttering!

Image credit: Photo by Norbert Levajsics on Unsplash
"Why?" I hear you ask …
A clear computer desktop and phone home screen means:
Fewer distractions and better focus - the icons you catch in the corner of your eye do call for your attention.
Better productivity - You'll find what you need more easily.
A calmer nervous system - a cluttered virtual desktop is anxiety and stress-inducing.
The computer:
Create a folder on your desktop that you can call ‘desktop’ and move all the icons from your desktop there,
You will instantly feel lighter, and they will all still be accessible to you.
Optional: Next step will be to create sub-folders inside the ‘desktop’ folder and start organising them, but it is not urgent.
The smartphone:
Move all the apps from the home screen to the next screen, only keep the ‘phone’ icon (to make calls) and the date / time.
Everything is still there but not on the home screen, you have to swipe to access them.
Optional: Gather apps with a similar theme and move them in 'folders' that you can label. E.g: sport, banking, games, navigation, email, shopping.
Now that you have a clear desktop and home screen, download a background image that inspires you. Here are a few options we prepared to get you started.
I invite you to be more mindful of what you are adding to your desktop and phone home screen. Make it a weekly habit to check that you can still see that lovely background image you have chosen with care and dare to be the change you want to see in your family, community and life!
Let me know how you got on with this #dare, do share your experience in the comment section.
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