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Dare #24: Dare to shine

Writer's picture: Mathilde BarbierMathilde Barbier
“ Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining. ” - Anne Lamott

Let me share with you a little secret … I have a soft spot for Lighthouses.

Made of bricks, stones, metal and glass, those majestic, grounded, audacious, resilient and seemingly lonely landmarks are often found in the most remote corners of the land.

They radiate gentleness, strength and safety despite their exposure to the hostility of the elements.

I found several rays of wisdom emanating from their beaming presence:

  1. You can’t calm the raging storms, but you stand still with all your might

  2. You don’t have to dive into the waves to rescue someone but you can help them find their own way to the shore

  3. You can faithfully, confidently, hold the light that guides to safety

  4. Take a bit of altitude and enjoy a spectacular 360-degree view on the horizon

The profession has disappeared since they became automated in the 80s and 90s, but I always wondered what it would be like to be a lighthouse keeper.

From many keepers’ points of view, the isolation of a lighthouse was the perfect place for inner peace and calm, being in the moment, dealing with and giving full attention to what was at hand. Experiencing mindfulness at its best [1].

I believe we all have a bit of lighthouse in us.


*** My dare to you this weekend ***

Dare to shine

Keep watch and tune into your inner lighthouse

A group of adults and children walk along the beach collecting rubbish holding signs saying ' Save the planet ' and 'Love the earth'

Image credit: The Ar-Men lighthouse off Sein Island, Brittany - Photo by Guillaume Plisson*

Try some of these:

  1. In the event of a storm (yours or someone else’s), be there without trying to calm it

  2. Tempted to rescue someone? see if you can help them find their own way instead

  3. Check your ‘light’. Is it on? Bright or dim? Still or twinkling?

  4. Pause, elevate yourself and take a panoramic view of a situation

  5. Take a mindful moment imagining you are a lighthouse ‘keeper’


If you are curious to discover more about those iconic towers, the 19th and 20th of August 2023 is International Lighthouse Heritage weekend [2] offering many opportunities to uncover their secrets.

In this constantly changing world, keep watch, you might be the lighthouse in someone else’s storm, so get shining and dare to be the change you want to see in your family, community and life!

Let me know how you got on with this #dare, do share your experience in the comment section.

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[1] How lighthouse keepers show us the way in dark, isolated times - Article by Emma Stonex, The Guardian online

[2] International Lighthouse Heritage weekend - Association of Lighthouse Keepers

Image credit: Beautiful lighthouse photography sourced from

Logo: A gold icon representing a deandelion seed


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