This blog is available in 'podcast' format for our newsletter subscribers. So if next month you want to give a rest to your eyes and listen to the story instead, sign up here.
" Where awareness goes, energy flows " - Ernest Holmes
Here I am in front of another blank page on the screen.
So many ideas in my head, colliding with each other. I keep restarting over and over again.
I write one paragraph. Then another thought barges in, taking me in another direction. My head is full of different story threads interrupting each other.
On top of that I have so many tabs open on my browser. Countless drafts on my screen. Documents saved all over the place. I am confused, I feel frustrated and annoyed.
My eyes are tired and as if that was not enough the self-talk starts: “3 days have passed, I have “wasted” so much time and energy and there is still no sign of a coherent story! Grrrr” -
“It is all well and good to call my newsletter my monthly mindful musings (sarcastic tone) right now the process is not mindful! Grrrrr” - “Nobody will read it anyway.”
Etc etc, you get the picture!
My mental territory is so messy, I can’t see the forest for the trees! It is time for a pause.
I really need to step away from the screen, the messy desk, the drafts, the to-do lists and decide to take a break in my garden.

It is totally wild. Recent heavy rain means that we have not been able to mow the lawn.
The grass is long, thick, green and vibrant! I spot the delicate drops of dew on a leaf.
A few snails are reappearing after a long winter, sliding away, minding their own business. Bluebells dotted around. The birds are collecting twigs, soil and other treasures to build their nests. I can hear their sweet tweeting, interrupted by the much lounder sound of the seagulls.
Closing my eyes I can focus on my nostrils, smelling the crisp air, blossoms, richness of the soil. It is still raining a little and I can taste the raindrops on my lips.
I take my shoes off, the grass is wet, cold, muddy yet ever so grounding! I feel the freshness of the ground against the sole of my feet. The burst of spring energy partially locked underground.
After just 10min in the garden, I feel refreshed, calmer and energised.
Coming back indoors I decide to look at my mental landscape with curiosity through the lens of gentleness. Just like my garden, my mind is blooming with ideas. I can pick and choose my thoughts, which ones do I want to pay attention to?
Over to you:
This month I invite you to observe your headspace with gentleness, tend to it mindfully.
Explore how to tap into the energy of gentleness through the 5 senses to reset your mental space: ✓ LOOK – Observe gentleness or its absence in your thoughts ✓ HEAR - Tune into your inner chatter, could it be gentler? ✓ SMELL – Do you remember which aroma evokes gentleness for you? ✓ TASTE - What flavour, texture infuses your tastebuds with a feeling of gentleness? ✓ TOUCH – How many elements in your reach feel gentle to your touch? |
To find more inspiration how about watching (or just listening to …) a webinar recorded last month by the Control Group who offered me a special opportunity to talk about gentleness.
Book a 50min self-care slot in your diary, grab pen, paper, a cuppa and enjoy a gentleness boost! You can also invite a friend or family member to join you!
Happy viewing!
Where the mind goes, energy flows. Let your senses guide you to soften tensions, clear your mind and reset. May you find mindfulness this May despite your mind fullness and dare to be the change you want to see in your organisation, family, community and life!
🔜 SAVE THE DATE: May 15th - 1pm BST

Outsmart your smartphone: spotlight on social media
FREE webinar
Let’s explore the fascinating world of social media. It can enhance our lives in many ways and has a darker flip side.
Why do we love this way to connect
so much?
45min to get a better understanding of our technology and how to use it consciously in a way that works for us.
Image credit: Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok on Unsplash
