We are so busy.
There is so much to do.
To read. To scroll.
We wish we had more hours in our day and sleep sometimes feels like a waste of our precious time. Our devices are connected around the clock.
Data never sleeps, but our brain needs rest to be able to operate properly, to learn, memorise, focus, make decisions, balance our mood, repair, regenerate and much much more.
“Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow.” –Tom Rath
Where does your phone sleep at night?
If it is inside your bedroom
What do you use it for?
Alarm clock? torch? follow the news? scroll social media? browse the internet? listen to music? play games? Anything else?
The artificial light of the phone disrupts our sleep schedule because our brain believes that it is still daylight and delays the process of falling asleep. The online information we consume at bedtime can fill up our head, creating unnecessary anxiety and mental activity.
"Quality Sleep, Sound Mind, Happy World” is the slogan and theme of #worldsleepday2022
What could we do to get better quality sleep?
Zzzz *** My dare to you this weekend ️*** Zzzz
For one night only, organise a sleepover for your phone outside the bedroom (without you).
Where will you leave it?
What will you replace it with?

Here are some suggestions:
Get an alarm clock and a torch
Read a paper book
Do you have another device you can use to listen to music?
Can you play games 1h earlier?
Have a pen and paper by your side and write a letter to your phone ... “Dear phone, I miss you (or not) by my side tonight because ... “ and fill up the page with everything you are enjoying about your phone, or not liking so much.
Ponder those questions and suggestions, sleep on them Zzzzzzzz
Tomorrow as you rise and shine, take action!
If you didn't lose sleep over having a night without your phone ... repeat!
I'd love to hear how you got on with this #dare, please share your experience in the comment section!
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Image credit: Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash
