“Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour.” John Boswell
The 21st of December is the winter solstice. In Latin it means ‘sun stand still’. What it means to us in the northern hemisphere is that night-time stretches itself to the maximum and the period of daytime makes itself as small as can be. It is the season of hibernation. If you look at animals you will no doubt find them curled up somewhere warm, very still and snoozing away.
During these short, colder days, you might find yourself spending longer periods of time on the internet, streaming, binge-watching. Sitting warmly cocooned in blankets and pillows with your phone or tablet, ‘internesting’.
***My dare to you this weekend... and for the rest of the month***
Leave the 'internest'
I invite you to spread your wings and explore the world outside of your warm, cosy internest for a few moments. Bundle up, wrap up. Leave your technology behind, step outdoors and get some fresh air.

Image credit: Photo by Tevin Trinh on Unsplash
A brisk 5 to 10-minute daily winter walk provides many health benefits:
Brain booster - the cool temperature allows you to think more clearly
Stress buster – walking increases the blood flow in the brain improving well-being and mood
Sleep enhancer – exercise will stimulate the effect of natural sleep hormones
Trimmer – you burn more calories as your body works to maintain your core temperature so it is a big win over all those irresistible festive treats!
In addition to all the above benefits, it is also a great opportunity to discover your neighbourhood from a different perspective, in a new light (most probably with little light!).
So … out you go … disconnect from your internest, brave a winter walk and dare to be the change you want to see in your family, community and life!
After a bold and busy end of the year, how about welcoming
grounding, engaging, intentional, tranquil and mindful experiences in 2023?
Gentle January - a series of daily practices to add to your self-care toolkit

7 daily doses of gentleness arriving straight to your inbox. Because self-care is not selfish!
An opportunity to uncover and share the many gifts gentleness brings to all corners of life.
Registration now open. Course starts 1st Jan (or after).
100% of profits donated to 'A Touch of Gentleness'
Let me know how you got on with this #dare, do share your experience in the comment section.
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