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Dare #15: Dare to dig out that Christmas card list!

Writer: Mathilde BarbierMathilde Barbier
“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world." Dr Seuss

Is 150 the magic number?

Offline, or in person there is a finite number of friends we can have. There are only so many people we can talk to at any one time and we have a limited amount of time in the day available for social interaction. Online the number of people we can connect to is limitless and we can interact 24/7. But what is the quality of those connections and how invested are we in these relationships?

The theory of Dunbar's number [*] says that we can only really maintain about 150 meaningful, stable, social relationships involving trust and a level of intimacy.

Historically, 150 people was the average size of English villages, church parishes, military organisations and even Christmas card lists. Beyond that at 500 we enter the domain of acquaintances (you can remember how you met them) and 1,500 would be the number of people who you can put a name to the face of. British anthropologist Robin Dunbar suggests that 150 might be the magic number in our social media life too.

Image credit: Art by Emmanuel Lafont

How many ‘entries’ have you got in your digital media?

  • Contacts in your address book (on your phone, tablet and in your email)?

  • Connections on Linkedin?

  • Friends on Facebook?

  • Followers on Instagram and on Twitter?

  • Gaming buddies?


***My dare to you this Weekend***

Dig out that Christmas card list!

Who will be on your Christmas card list this year? Whether you send a paper card through the post or an e-card, will you be sending one to everyone in your social network friends list?

I invite you to do a little audit of your online social network. Consider all the platforms you are currently using and pick one. It can be a professional or social one. Go through the contacts / followers / friends you have on this platform?

Be open and curious, without judgement:

  • Were you aware of having this number of contacts? Any surprises? Or discoveries?

  • Are there any entries there that you have never engaged with? Do you feel drawn to get in touch with them? Or perhaps remove them?

  • Which ones are generating conversation or content that makes you feel good or perhaps are not quite aligned with you?

Let's get back to your Christmas card list! What have you noticed about it? Has it expanded or perhaps it has shrunk a little?

Wishing you to enjoy creating and sending meaningful messages to whoever you feel inspired to connect with this month!


Let me know how you got on with this #dare, do share your experience in the comment section.

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[*] Article: Dunbar’s number, New Scientist.



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