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Dare #14: Dare to go grey

Writer: Mathilde BarbierMathilde Barbier
“As long as autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas and colors enough to paint the beautiful things I see." Van Gogh

Here in the northern hemisphere, we are currently enjoying a truly divine autumn with sublime colours. Wherever you look, leaves are competing with shades of green, red, brown, orange and gold. The sun is lower in the sky, its intensity feels brighter and purer.

Nature is shifting, turning, revealing an artistic festival, with a rich and warm amber glow.

So before turning inwards for winter let’s embrace this natural process, look up and outwards!

But look up from what?

From the screen of your beloved phone of course!

This small screen that fits in your hand offers an incredible pallet of bright, bold, attractive colours with red chosen for notifications as it creates excitement!

How about making your phone screen less appealing to look at so you can embrace the real-life colours of autumn more fully?

A simple way to do this is to turn your phone to greyscale*.


***My dare to you this Weekend***

Go grey!

Change your phone display to greyscale for the weekend, then look around and notice the autumn colours (whether it is a sunny or rainy day, nature will still glow!).

I invite you to pay close attention to your experience, you might even want to take note (with pen and paper?).

  • How does it feel to look at the screen in greyscale? Is it as attractive as before?

  • Is there any specific app you find harder to use?

  • How many autumn colours do you notice around you?

  • Pick a tree and observe it every day until the end of the month. See if you can spot the subtle changes that occur!

  • And when you turn your phone settings back to ‘colour’ (if you ever do!) what happened?

Below are some guidelines I found to get you started but there are so many different phones that you will have to explore how to change the settings on yours.

How to go grey if you have an iPhone: Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Display Accommodations > Color Filters - Switch Color Filters on and select Greyscale.*

How to go grey if you have an Android phone: Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Vision and select Greyscale.*


Let me know how you got on with this #dare, do share your experience in the comment section.

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* Note: If you are a bit of a ‘geek’ like me … In essence, “greyscale” and “black and white” in terms of photography mean the same thing, you might even remember having a “black and white” TV in the 80’s. But when it comes to your phone settings, I am talking about greyscale and not the dark mode’ which is a setting turning the screen black with white text / elements on the screen.

Image credit: Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash



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