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Your attention please

Writer: Mathilde BarbierMathilde Barbier

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" Remember, your attention is like a constantly flowing stream. It is at its most powerful when it is directed clearly onto one thing. " Susan Pearse, Martina Sheehan

Before we start I invite you to pause and check:

What are you paying attention to at this very moment?

Do you think you can read this short article all the way to the very final word giving it your full undivided attention?

I invite you to notice when your eyes start gazing away from these words and your mind begins to wander. Just observe with gentleness and no judgement.

In today’s world it can be very challenging to focus on just one thing. We used to switch activities on screen every 2.5min in 2004 and between 2016-21 it has been found that we switch every 44-50 seconds [1]. Our environment is encouraging this as we find ourselves subjected to so many distractions, interruptions, external or internal, on and off the screen.

When was last time you focused deeply on one thing? You know, that state of total immersion, when time stands still and you feel like you are one with the activity you are engaged in, and how long do you think it lasted for?

Last week I took a 5-day attention detox challenge, and here is why:

My invitation to you this month:

Explore your ability to be focused 🏹

Be aware of your current level of attention

How many distractions have you experienced while reading up to now?

Were they internal or external? How will you manage them differently next time you make the choice to bring your full attention on a task?

→ Draw a list of the internal and external interruptions you notice


What effect do those interruptions have on you? What inner chatter can you hear?

Is there anything you can change in your external environment to reduce the risk of distractions and support your attention?

→ Be gentle with yourself

Dare to restore your attention daily with some of the following

→ Read a couple of pages of a book, an article, something that brings you joy

→ Go for a mindful walk, being present with your posture, footsteps, environment and 2 minutes of focusing your gaze on one object minimizing blinking or balancing an object

→ Take a break from your computer screen every 20min for 20 sec looking 20 meters away

What else could you do?

This month I am going to take small steps to change some of my habits and bring focus back in my life. I invite you to be attentional, aware, practice self-care and dare to be the change you want to see in your organisation, family, community and life!



White feather gently floating down towards and open hand

Living gently, no matter what

Bitesize online course

Yes, gentleness can hide in our biggest challenges! Sign-up to this short and powerful self-led course to explore 7 facets of gentleness and how they show up in our life. Each day you will receive 5min guided audio, worksheets and a transcript to download and complete at the rhythm that suits you.

Find out all the details here.

Because self-care isn't selfish!

A meaningful and insightful experience to enjoy by yourself or share with family and friends!


Reference: [1] Attention Span by Gloria Mark

Image credit: Photos by Caroline Gosling

Golden leaf


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