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It has been a dense couple of years. Overnight many of us found ourselves restricted from: daily commuting, regular travelling, sharing an open plan with co-workers, a classroom with teachers and fellow students. A lifestyle with movement, space, human contact, suddenly constricted to a kitchen table, a laptop, a tablet, perhaps sharing our device and a room with children while we all adapted to a new homebound rhythm.
Workplace and classroom moved into our home without warning, our environment compressed, professional and social connections shrunk to the size of a post stamp to squeeze and fit on a laptop screen.
Technology has been a life saver for many, bringing new form of connections.
But as we found ourselves sitting too many hours with our devices at close range, focusing on the smallest screens, squinting, tightening our gaze to read imperceptible social cues, tensions in our body might have gone unnoticed.
What happened to checking-in with your body?
Are you holding your breath, clenching your teeth, rounding your back, tightening your shoulders?
Are you all too familiar with those crunched up postures?

We are half-way through spring, and many of us are still feeling stiff, and carrying significant inner tensions.
Spring (as its name indicates) is about stretching, uncurling, bouncing, blooming.
For me the month of May brings a special feeling of renewal, freshness, open-ness as landscapes brighten, days get longer and colours intensify. Nature is reborn, releasing its energy, expanding, unfolding... so can we!
Every day this month I invite you to pause and reconnect to your body’s ability to inform you of its needs.
Are you feeling stiff, restricted, contracted? Open, free, liberated? Or anything in between? Just observe without judgement.
Let’s pause and check in together... Tighten your fists, arms, shoulders, round your back, close your eyes tightly, roll your head forward, flex your knees, curl your toes. Squeeze, squeeze your whole body, squeeeeeze .... Stop Let a sigh out and gently release your back, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, spring your knees open, wiggle your toes Breathe Open a little bit further Breathe Open even more Stretch out gently Just like a fern unfolding, a blossom unfurling ... Open - Soften - Loosen Gently shake you hands and arms, roll your shoulders, wiggle your fingers and your toes. Smile.
May the force of May be with you, to soften inner tensions, strengthen your wellbeing muscle, open-up to a more balanced life.
To address tensions and soften from the inside out, get in touch , let's arrange a free conversation and explore possibilities, it will be 15min of your time invested mindfully.
Image credit: Photo by Mathilde Barbier in Bushy Park
