“ Words are like bees – some create honey, and others leave a sting. ” - Unknown
Suddenly I felt it. A sharp pain on my shoulder.
Shocked, I turned around quickly in the water but nobody was behind me. It was a hot summer day at my local outdoor pool and up to that point I was having a great time with my friends. Diving, swimming and splashing. But now my shoulder was throbbing and my heart beating fast. Wondering what had happened I looked around and saw the bee floating in the water. Scooping its tiny body out I realised that it was dead. The lifeguard tended to my shoulder and confirmed that indeed I had a bee sting.
Something changed that day and it seemed to have been imprinted in me. I felt apprehensive when I saw a busy bee flying about. Despite reminding myself that bees are not there to hurt us (as stinging someone can be a death sentence for them) I still felt a tension in my body and a shiver in my shoulder, when I heard that buzz.
I read about bees to understand their behaviour and appreciate them better. My mind made sense of that event which lasted just a second, but my body was still holding on to a memory and the mere presence of these tiny creatures was triggering a protection response even if it was not needed any more.
Years later when I discovered “Energy Psychology” and its many tools [1] I freed up the block which had been locked in me during that small event in my teens years, cleared my fear of bees and ever since I have been able to observe them with calm, appreciating their beauty.
Bees in a hive are like cells in the body, they work together. Each of them is a fascinating organism. They are super fast (honeybees can fly as fast as 15 miles per hour [2]); incredibly endurant and resilient (they must visit 4 million flowers and fly 4 times the distance around the worlds to make 1kg of honey).
It is World Bee day [3] the 20th of May, a superb opportunity to learn more about these strong and delicate, humming creatures.
*** My dare to you this weekend and the rest of this month ***
Dare to 'bee' gentle
If you happen to have a bee in your bonnet and you want someone to mind their own bees-ness, press PAUSE, before telling them to buzz off!

Image credit: Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash
I invite you to observe your words. The words you say to others but also to yourself:
Do they feel like honey, or do they sting?
How can you bring more gentleness in your responses?
Feeling up for a bigger challenge? Here is a dare to take it a step further!
Are there any words you might have heard sometime in your life which are still ‘stinging’?
Is it time to release these triggers? Then you might want to take advantage of "Choose your own price" 1-1 coaching session* which I am offering for the whole month of June.
Drop me a line to arrange a 15min chat and together we can see if working together is a right fit for each other.
Remember you have the power to choose your words, to heal those stings and dare to be the change you want to see in your family, community and life!
Let me know how you got on with this #dare, do share your experience in the comment section.
Sign up to our newsletter to receive the next challenge directly in your mailbox.
References: [1] If you want to know more about energy psychology and different tools I use such as EFT, Energy in Motion, Modern Stress Management? Give me a buzz and let’s book a free discovery call together
[3] World bee day
🔜 SAVE THE DATE: May 15th - 1pm BST

Outsmart your smartphone: spotlight on social media
FREE webinar
Let’s explore the fascinating world of social media. It can enhance our lives in many ways and has a darker flip side.
Why do we love this way to connect
so much?
45min to get a better understanding of our technology and how to use it consciously
in a way that works for us.
Image credit: Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok on Unsplash
