“I had it in the palm of my hand and saw it die on me … there was nothing I could do; my phone was well and truly gone!”
Unless you brutally drop it down a cliff or inadvertently drown it, it is rare that phones just ‘die on us’ these days. They are more likely to ‘play up’ to the point where we’ve had enough, and anyway, we don’t usually wait for our device to RIP as we are constantly upgrading them.
It is so tempting to have the latest, isn’t it? The advertising tells us every day that this device we have in our pocket is too old.
I am a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to ‘smart’ phones. I purchased my first smartphone in 2012 (brand new iPhone4), the next one was given to me in 2018 (used Samsung galaxy S7). I got my 3rd smart device recently; it is a refurbished Samsung galaxy S9 and I love it.
More than loving the phone itself, I love the fact it is refurbished, which means it has been used and before reaching my hands it has been repaired, fixed, polished, tested for safety and is now as good as new, with the added benefit of a warranty.
On average a refurbished smartphone has 91.6% less carbon emissions compared to a new one.
If you are thinking of upgrading your phone, head to Back< Market (no I didn’t say the black market!).
“Refurbished tech is not just guaranteed to work like new, it’s better for the planet, too.” Haziq, content writer at Back Market UK &Ireland
*** My dare to you this weekend / month / year ***
If you are looking to upgrade your phone:

Image credit: Mathilde @ daretobethechange
STEP 1: Pause and ask yourself the following (without judgement)
What is it for?
Why now?
Once you are happy with the answers and have established that you indeed do want or need a new smartphone, then next is …
STEP 2: Does it have to be brand new?
Find out about the difference between used and refurbished phones. Read this great article here.
STEP 3: Go shopping on Back<Market
This is where I got my latest phone and it was a really easy, good value and even fun experience.
Note that Back<Market is super generous and if you find an item which is just right for you use this code: 8a5645ff4e90fa82 and you will get £10 off, I will also get a little something for my next purchase.
STEP 4: What to do with your old phone?
Keep it as a backup (with the charger)
Pass it on to someone else
Use it offline to listen to music / podcasts
Trade it in
Donate it as an educational tool
Put it in a time capsule …
Be gentle on the planet, consider refurbished tech and dare to be the change you want to see in your family, community and life!
Dear phone, we need to talk

A 7 steps exploration to observe, evaluate and reflect upon the place your smartphone has in your life.
How to make small, sustainable changes to put you back in control.
A fun and meaningful experience.
Image Credit: wavebreakmedia_micro - Freepik
Let me know how you got on with this #dare, do share your experience in the comment section.
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