“I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.” Oscar Wilde
Solitude is the state of being alone by choice. Disengaging from the immediate demands of other people. It doesn’t mean avoiding being with other people. The experience of solitude is about being with yourself.
Quiet time is not a waste of time. It is an opportunity to cultivate inner harmony.
Being alone with yourself is empowering, it builds mental strength, sparks creativity and helps you relate to yourself better, so that when you are with someone else you can be fully present, cherish the interaction and steadily build your empathy muscle.
*** My dare to you this Weekend ️***
Dare to reclaim your solitude!

Make space for quietude.
Explore being in your own company.
Become a better observer of your life.
Here are some suggestions:
Start the day with a few minutes checking in with yourself before interacting with anyone else.
Look at ordinary situations in a new unfamiliar way. - During the school run or daily commute, pay attention to the details dotted along the way. Spot those tiny changes in your surroundings.
Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you and inside you.
Go for a walk in nature with yourself. If you are with someone else, offer to walk in silence for 20minutes. Then connect with each other and share the experience.
At bedtime, download all those remaining thoughts of the day in a notebook, write, write, write until you mind quietens.
Note 1: Just in case you thought that using your mobile phone on your own was a good way to make space for solitude, think again 😉.
Note2: Solitude doesn’t necessarily mean opting for isolation, it can be experienced around other people.
Let me know how you got on with this #dare, Do share your experience in the comment section!
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Image credit: Photo by Mathilde Barbier
